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Flanders Bioimaging Networking Symposiumon Research Infrastructures 2024

On the 9th December our networking event was held at the PXL-NeXT venue in the centre of Hasselt. This event was intended both to showcase the capabilities and research spearpoints from the members of Flanders Bioimaging and to connect with the other Life-Sciences ERICs and intergovernmental organisations active in Belgium; with presentations from ELIXIR, INSTRUCT, BBMRI, EMPHASIS and AnaEE. The event included panel discussions on core facilities and research infrastructures, including contributions from John Eriksson (Eurobioimaging Director-general, who also gave the keynote speech), Caroline Volckaert from the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), who also gave a 'sneak preview' of the new FWO-IRI funding channel, Phillip Van den Heede from the University of Gent and Ken Haenen, Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Internationalzation at UHasselt. Attendees were also treated to a walking dinner, from the 'Stad van de Smaak'.

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