Systems microscopy
Systems microscopy provides information on the spatiotemporal behaviour of cells and molecules in response to targeted perturbations with ever-growing throughput and intelligence and getting tailored towards more complex, physiologically relevant biological specimens.

More than the sum of its parts
We combine N-dimensional microscopy with multi-scale imaging and cellular phenotyping to offer systems microscopy.

Optimized and validated microscopy workflows
Key applications

Whole brain staging of proteinopathies
Our expertise in chemical clearing allows to visualise the intact neurodegenerative brain using light sheet microscopy, making it possible to monitor the spatiotemporal spreading pattern of pathological aggregates and associated neurodegenerative features.

Cell states in cerebral organoids
We are developing a pipeline that enables unbiased cellular phenotyping of intact cerebral organoids by using a combination of multiplex fluorescent labelling, light-sheet microscopy, and deep learning.

Morphofunctional staging of synaptic connectivity
Using a combined strategy of morphological and functional imaging approaches, a neuronal connectivity profile of primary and iPSC-derived cultures is made.
The experts
The Antwerp Centre for Advanced Microscopy (ACAM) provides high-end microscopy service service to image samples at the meso-, micro- and nanometre scale with an expanding array of advanced electron and light microscopes. ACAM provides support on all facets of the microscopy workflow, from setup and sample preparation, image acquisition, down to image and data analysis. Its mission is to be a hub for quantitative systems microscopy.