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EuroBioImaging Bio-Hub Director and Head of Operations visit KU Leuven

On June 6th, Flanders BioImaging was delighted to host Antje Keppler and Ilari Pulli, who visited the VIB BioImaging Core, the Cell and Tissue Imaging Core (CIC) and the Molecular Research and Clinic Leuven (MIRaCLe) at the Gathiusberg campus in Leuven. Antje and Ilari are pictured with Pieter Vanden Berghe, Head of the CIC, and Jelle Hendrix, Head of the Advanced Optical Microscopy Node at UHasselt, at the CIC facility. The visit gave us an excellent opportunity to showcase our faciilities and applications, whilst Antje and Ilari updated on the opportunities available for Node staff as part of the EVOLVE project led by EuroBioImaging.

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