About the event
As in previous years, an overview of the core facilities that comprise Flanders Bioimaging will be given, along with an update on their spearpoint applications and developments and how these can be made use of in Flanders and throughout Europe. This year we are delighted to be joined by representatives of ELIXIR, INSTRUCT, BBMRI and EMPHASIS who will also present overviews of their Research Infrastructure offering in Belgium and beyond.
Panel discussions on the role and future of core facilities in Flemish universities, and the contribution of European Research Infrastructure Consortia to research both nationally and internationally will be held.
We are very pleased to announce that John Eriksson, the Director of Euro-Bioimaging, will attend to give a plenary talk entitled 'What Euro-Bioimaging can do for you".
Finally, the FWO will present a 'sneak preview' of the new International Research Infrastructure funding channel, followed by a reception and walking dinner.
Target group
Principal Investigators and Science Policy advocates with an interest in the future of Life Science Research Infrastructures in Belgium and the services they can provide for research. PhD students and Post-doctoral fellows interested in the cutting edge of science infrastructure in Flanders and how it can be applied to their research are also welcome!
Date and Venue
09/12/2024: PXL-NeXT in city centre Hasselt
Address: Elfde-Liniestraat 23a (D105), 3500 Hasselt
1:00 PM Welcome and general introduction. Sebastian Munck, promotor, Flanders BioImaging
1:10 PM Flanders Bioimaging: ‘A Consortium of Core Facilities’. Sebastian Munck
1:45 PM Panel discussion I: Core Facilities-Perspectives from Key Stakeholders
2:10 PM International Research Infrastructures: ‘An International Consortium of Core Facilities’
2:30 PM FBI spearpoints: Flash Talks from all 9 Flanders BioImaging sites
3:15 PM KeyNote: “What Euro-Bioimaging can do for you”. John Eriksson, Director, Euro-Bioimaging
3:45 PM Coffee Break + Poster Session: Posters welcome from all attendees!
4:15 PM BBMRI, ELIXIR, INSTRUCT & EMPHASIS: Overview of Research Infrastructures from Belgian Nodes
5:15 PM Sneak preview: The new FWO-IRI channel - Caroline Volckaert, FWO
5:30 PM Panel Discussion II: Research Infrastructure Consortia-Belgian Perspective and Future Vision
6:00 PM Reception + Walking dinner + Poster discussion
Organizing & Scientific Committee
This symposium is organized by Flanders BioImaging, a consortium of imaging core facilities in Flanders that constitutes the Belgian EuroBioImaging Node.
Prof. Dr. Jelle Hendrix, Dr. Sam Duwé (Hasselt University - Advanced Optical Microscopy Centre
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Munck (Vlaams Instituut for Biotechnologie - BioImaging Core Leuven)
Dr. Christopher Cawthorne (FlandersBioImaging)